Friday, December 26, 2008

Putting Toys Together---UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a single mom, there is not much I do not attempt to try, and assembling toys the girls received for Chanukah and their birthdays ranks right up there.

Maddy got from Mom the coolest doll play pen complete with wind up mobile that plays music, a toy fish tank with real water in the side, and an attachable bassinet.

Too bad Mom put the dam%%^ thing together wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It got completely assembled, when I realized, "the fabric is pulling funny." Yeah it is! It is backwards!

It now involves taking a screwdriver to pop out these strange little metal locking things, removing all the parts in reverse order, and starting over from Step 1 in the direction book! UGH!!!!!

And, Maddy got Baby Alive for her birthday yesterday. Why in the world would it take over half an hour to remove ONE doll from a box?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Along with scissors and a steak knife! UGH!!!!!

Maddy also received for her 5th birthday THE coolest V-Tech digital camera. Not sure if we even have enough batteries to get this thing up and running yet, but it plays games, holds up to 200 pics with internal memory, and takes up to 5 minutes of video! Cool gadget for a kid.

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